January 21, 2022 Blog 0 Comments

New Year, New Focus

With only a few weeks gone and 49 weeks to go, I wish you a Happy New Year!

Each year I pray and meditate on a word or phrase that will help me chart a course across the year. This year my focus phrase is “Exponential Growth”.

Grow Your Team, Grow Your Business

This year my goal is to experience exponential growth in the areas of Communication, Connection, and Customer Service. Internally we’re building our service team and looking forward to helping you build yours. More than ever I desire to serve ministry and marketplace teams in these foundational areas. No matter what the field of assignment is Exponential Growth requires intentionality from leadership. By leveraging Communication, Connection, and Customer Service any organization can achieve its goals.

Communication is the key that unlocks any door you come to. This year we intend to communicate with you more as we demonstrate how increased and improved communication breeds Connection and maximizes positive Customer Service. Increased communication does not mean an obscene number of marketing emails promising unrealistic results. Rather it involves delivering meaningful, quality content as often as you desire to engage with me. I’ve been posting weekly on my Social Media feeds (follow me here: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram). This is our first monthly blog in which I’ll be touching base with you and highlighting the keys to Exponential Growth (Communication, Connection, Customer Service).  And in our quarterly newsletter featuring industry insights through my lens as a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Speaker and Consultant trained in Maxwell DISC Behavioral Analysis.

In establishing a foundation for Exponential Growth, I desire to strengthen my Connection with you. Let’s talk about what matters to you, your business, or your ministry. Are you finding it difficult to Communicate and Connect with your ideal Customer? Is your team experiencing challenges in developing optimal relationships internally or externally? As a Master Customer Service Strategist with over 35 years in the industry I am confident that whatever situation your organization is facing, together we can create a strategy to alleviate those pain points.

Here’s to your Exponential Growth!

The year is young and opportunities abound. Send me an email at cssolutions@atyourserviceconsulting.com to let me know how I can serve your team toward out of the ordinary results.
