February 22, 2018 Blog 0 Comments

Tips for Managing Challenging Clients

Customers come in varying degrees of need and expectation. Customers are also human beings who have lives outside of your business related interaction. They will, at times, bring frustrations into a call or face-to-face interaction. Business owners and customer service professionals should be prepared to navigate through those tense moments. This month we offer five tips for managing challenging clients and creating a win-win situation.

  • Smiles can be heard as well as seen. A smile conveys openness, approachability and a willingness to assist. It is the first of many ice breakers your clients may need to turn their day around. A smile can be heard across phone lines. Tone of voice and expressed disposition change when you speak with a smile. A genuine smile will help to ease tension from the client.
  • Remember, it’s not about you. Although you are receiving the harsh tone and angry words, do your best not to take it personally. Stressful days occur in all of our lives. There are moments when everything seemed to be against us and we feel as though we can’t catch a break. When you find yourself with a Negative Ned/Nancy, remain calm and professional in your body language and tone of voice. If your customer does become extremely rude or disrespectful turn the interaction over to a manager, per company protocol.
  • Be courteous. Common courtesy and good manners go a long way. A genuine greeting of Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening; using Sir or Ma’am; and making eye contact will show your client the respect they deserve as a voluntary patron. When making a request for information from your client include please and say thank you. At the end of your service, thank them for coming to the store or calling the customer service line. Wish them a good day.
  • Take time to listen. Spend time getting to know your customers who come in on a regular basis. Listen to their stories, find out about their lives outside of their time at your business. If they’re having something special coming up remember to ask them about it when you see them again. If their grandkids are interested in a sport or hobby, consider taking time to find out about local venues or upcoming events. Sharing this information with your customer will show that you are listening and you care.
  • A tangible thank you. One of your greatest assets as a customer service professional is people skills. Your ability to read people and intuitively interpret how best to approach them is what will cause you to stand out in your field. Unexpected freebies are a great way to show appreciation and brighten someone’s day. Once you’ve gotten a sense of your customer’s likes consider adding an approved bonus to their purchase as a thank you.

Working in customer service can be a demanding position, but most often it is rewarding. There will be days when we have to create those opportunities for reward through our actions and responses to customers. Taking the time to show that you appreciate them in spite of their cantankerous dispositions will leave a lasting impression. In the end, one old adage remains true treat others the way you would like to be treated.
